Seller Policy

Welcome to! This Seller Policy outlines the guidelines and requirements for selling your products on our ecommerce platform. We strive to create a fair and transparent marketplace for both buyers and sellers. By becoming a seller on, you agree to comply with the following policies:

  1. Seller Account: a. To start selling on, you need to create a seller account and provide accurate and up-to-date information during the registration process. b. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your seller account, including your login credentials.

  2. Product Listing: a. All product listings must comply with the relevant laws and regulations of Pakistan. b. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of product information, including descriptions, images, pricing, and availability. c. Counterfeit or illegal products are strictly prohibited.

  3. Order Fulfillment: a. As a seller, you are responsible for fulfilling orders in a timely manner and providing accurate tracking information. b. Communicate with buyers regarding order updates, shipment delays, or any issues that may arise. c. In case of any delays or inability to fulfill an order, promptly notify the buyer and

  4. Seller Fees and Payments: a. charges a commission or fee for each successful sale. The commission rates and payment terms will be communicated to you upon registration. b. Sellers are responsible for setting appropriate prices for their products, including any applicable taxes or shipping charges. c. Payments for successful orders will be processed according to the payment schedule agreed upon with

  5. Customer Service: a. Provide excellent customer service by promptly responding to buyer inquiries, concerns, and requests. b. Resolve any issues or disputes with buyers in a fair and professional manner.

  6. Seller Performance and Compliance: a. Maintain a high level of seller performance, including on-time order fulfillment, low order cancellation rates, and positive customer feedback. b. Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies, including intellectual property rights and consumer protection laws.

  7. Seller Agreement and Termination: a. By registering as a seller on, you agree to abide by this Seller Policy and the terms of the Seller Agreement. b. reserves the right to terminate or suspend your seller account in case of policy violations, poor performance, or fraudulent activities.

Please note that this Seller Policy is subject to change, and it is your responsibility to review and comply with the latest version. Failure to comply with this policy may result in penalties, account suspension, or termination.

We value our sellers and aim to create a thriving marketplace where your business can flourish. Thank you for choosing as your selling platform. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact our Seller Support team.

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